5 Uses for a Pikler Triangle

A centrepiece for imaginative play, we decided to add the renowned Pikler Triangle to our Play and Learn Furniture Family. This triangular shaped climbing apparatus provides a sturdy frame for little ones to pull themselves onto, allowing children to learn to climb safely under parents’ supervision.


Pikler Triangle


Our Tidy Climbing Triangle is designed for children from 6 months to around 5 years to use. At first it’s the perfect tool to support curious crawlers, and then a solid obstacle for children to climb up and back down again!

Now, we’re sure you’d never hear a child ask for five uses for their Pikler Triangle… but as adults have a much more limited imagination, we’re here to help parents envisage how the Tidy Climbing Triangle will suit their home.


For Little Ones to Learn to Stand


Suitable for children from 6 months, the Tidy Climbing Triangle provides the perfect tool for children to learn to stand. With solid wood providing a sturdy frame, your little one can use the wooden steps to pull themselves up and support themselves as they stand.


As a Climbing Frame


For older children, this is the perfect climbing obstacle to conquer!

The Pikler Triangle was designed for children to learn how to use their bodies in different ways, developing their motor skills whilst having fun. Balance, coordination and strength will be tested as your little one scales one side of the triangle, climbing safely down the other. Requiring whole-body movements for climbing as well as core stabilising muscles to balance, the Tidy Climbing Triangle helps develop an array of skills.


Climbing Frame


Why not choose the Tidy Climbing Triangle as a Two-Piece Set with a Ramp! Combined with a reversible ramp that can be used as a fun slide or climbing ramp, you can create a miniature obstacle course for your little one’s playroom or bedroom.


A Cosy Fort for Reading


When it’s time to wind down, this indoor children’s climbing frame can become a serene and cosy spot to snuggle and read.

Drape a sheet over the triangular frame for a fort that’s quick and easy to set up. If you add a nightlight and plenty of soft bedding, you’ll have the ultimate spot for bedtime stories or a secret tea party with teddies!


A Step Ladder for Favourite Books


The Pikler Triangle is essentially a toddler-sized ladder, which means you can use it to help your little one reach items that are a little too high for them, but not too high that you’d rather they didn’t!

Encourage independence by letting your child use the step ladder for reaching their favourite books and toys from their bookshelf or bookcase hutch! This sings in harmony with Montessori principles of practising real life skills during childhood.


Step Ladder


Baby Play Gym


Babies under a close watch can enjoy the Tidy Climbing Triangle too, in the form of a baby play gym.

Attach their favourite mobiles and toys in an array of interesting textures for them to lay beneath and gaze at or touch. This saves the need to purchase both a baby gym and a climbing frame in later life.


Tidy Climbing Triangle


Right, now over to you! We love to see what our Boori Families get up to with our cherished designs. Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram with the hashtag #BooriFamily with your innovative uses of our Tidy Climbing Triangle!


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